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How to mitigate crawlers in case of too much traffic#

It happens that some program is hammering Open Food Facts, causing serious latency and 504 problems to every users.

Most of the time it's someone who is not aware data must be downloaded at instead of harvesting.

Find disturbing IPs#

On prod server we have a script

Go to access log for your site.

tail -n 100000 access_log |  ./|tail -n 10

Shows you a list of IP addresses with a number of requests

tail -n 100000 access_log | grep <ip_adress>
to see activity of a single ip address and try to understand what's going on.

Search and facets requests are the most consuming. (Product read requests are just a read of a file)


If the User-Agent has some indication on who is using the platform, try to contact them.


On off2 reverse proxy#

fail2ban-client set nginx-botsearch banip <IP>

see How to use fail2ban to ban bots

On off1#

In case it's needed, blacklist the IP address using an iptables rule:

iptables -A INPUT -s <ip_address> -j DROP

Make it better#

We could instead implement traffic rate limitation using NGINX.