findBestCamera method Null safety

dynamic findBestCamera(
  1. {dynamic cameraLensDirection = CameraLensDirection.back}

Find the most relevant camera to use if none of these criteria are met, the default value of _cameraIndex will be used to select the first camera in the global cameras list. if non matching is found we fall back to the first in the list initValue of _cameraIndex/


static CameraDescription? findBestCamera({
  CameraLensDirection cameraLensDirection = CameraLensDirection.back,
}) {
  if (_cameras == null) {
    throw Exception('Please call [init] before!');
  } else if (_cameras!.isEmpty) {
    return null;

  int cameraIndex = -1;

  if (_cameras!.any(
    (CameraDescription element) =>
        element.lensDirection == cameraLensDirection &&
        element.sensorOrientation == 90,
  )) {
    cameraIndex = _cameras!.indexOf(
      _cameras!.firstWhere((CameraDescription element) =>
          element.lensDirection == cameraLensDirection &&
          element.sensorOrientation == 90),
  } else if (_cameras!.any((CameraDescription element) =>
      element.lensDirection == cameraLensDirection)) {
    cameraIndex = _cameras!.indexOf(
        (CameraDescription element) =>
            element.lensDirection == cameraLensDirection,

  return _cameras![cameraIndex];