Package openfoodfacts. github. scrachx. openfood. utils
File Downloader class which is used to download a file and write response to the disk.
Created by prajwalm on 05/04/18.
This class is used to change your application locale and persist this change for the next time that your app is going to be used.
Created by Lobster on 06.03.18.
A class for handling photo receiver
Created by Lobster on 10.03.18.
Wraps an existing executor to provide a .shutdown method that allows subsequent cancellation of submitted runnables.
Created by Lobster on 10.03.18.
Created by Mehrosh.Mehboob on 19-Feb-18.
Converts a given measurement to grams.
Returns the description of this NutrimentLevel
Retrieve the float value from strings like "1.03" or "1,03"
Retrieve the float value from strings like "> 1.03"
Returns the NOVA group explanation given the group
Returns the NOVA group graphic asset given the group
Return a round float value with 2 decimals
Check if a certain application is installed on a device.
Check if the device has a camera installed.
Check if the user is connected to a network. This can be any network.