Services maintenance
Robotoff is split in several services:
- the scheduler, responsible for launching recurrent tasks (downloading new dataset, processing insights automatically,...)
- the workers, responsible for all long-lasting tasks (mainly insight extraction from images)
- the public api service
- the triton service which serve ML models
Two additional services are used:
- a PostgreSQL database (postgres service)
- a Elasticsearch single node (elasticsearch service)
All services are managed by docker. docker-compose is used to manage these services.
and triton
have their own file: docker/ml.yml
ML models are stored as released at
All Robotoff services are running on one of the two Docker instances (OVH 200 VM for staging and OVH 201 VM for production). You should use the proxy servers ( or to reach these instances. You can get more information on Docker VMs here.
Quick start
see dev-install
You can then use:
docker compose start [service-name]
or docker compose stop [service-name]
Or make up
when you refresh the product (it will re-build and run docker compose up -d
Take the time to become a bit familiar with docker-compose if it's your first use.
See logs
To display the logs of the container, docker compose logs [service-name]
(without service-name, you got all logs).
Two options are often used: -f
to follow output and --tail n
to only display last n lines.
To display all running services, run make status
Name Command State Ports
robotoff_api_1 /bin/sh -c /docker-entrypo ... Up>5500/tcp,:::5500->5500
robotoff_postgres_1 postg ... Up>5432/tcp
robotoff_scheduler_1 /bin/sh -c /docker-entrypo ... Up
robotoff_worker_low_1 /bin/sh -c /docker-entrypo ... Up
robotoff_worker_high_1 /bin/sh -c /docker-entrypo ... Up
See number of tasks in queues
If you want to monitor how much job robotoff has to do (how behind it is),
you can run the rq
command to get status:
docker compose run --rm --no-deps worker_1 rq info
This may help you understand why robotoff insight are not visible immediately on products.
See also rq monitoring documentation for more commands and informations.
Database backup and restore
To backup the PostgreSQL database, run the following command:
docker exec -i robotoff_postgres_1 pg_dump --schema public -F c -U postgres postgres | gzip > robotoff_postgres_$(date +%Y-%m-%d).dump
All Robotoff PostgreSQL dumps are stored on server, in /srv2/off/html/data/dumps
folder. When backing up the database, please update the robotoff_postgres_latest.dump
symlink so that always points to the latest dump.
You can restore it easily by copying the dump file inside the container and launching pg_restore
docker cp -a robotoff_postgres.dump robotoff_postgres_1:/tmp/
docker exec -it robotoff_postgres_1 pg_restore -v -d postgres -U postgres -j 8 --if-exists /tmp/robotoff_postgres.dump