

ProductOpener::PerlStandards - Use modern Perl features


    use ProductOpener::PerlStandards;


This module is a replacement for the following:

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use v5.24;
    use feature 'signatures';
    no warnings 'experimental::signatures';
    use utf8;

Most of this module's code has been copied from the Veure::Module available on http://blogs.perl.org/users/ovid/2019/03/enforcing-simple-standards-with-one-module.html

Notes: - the motivation for that module is to enable Perl's signatures that are experimental since Perl 5.24 and non-experimental in Perl 5.34 - we cannot use "use Modern::Perl '2022'" to activate signatures as we run Perl 5.24 in production today (July 2022)
