

ProductOpener::KnowledgePanelsContribution - Generate knowledge panels around contribution


This is a subpart of Knowledge Panels where we concentrate around contribution information

create_contribution_card_panel ( $product_ref, $target_lc, $target_cc, $options_ref )

Creates a knowledge panel card that contains all knowledge panels related to contribution


product reference $product_ref

Loaded from the MongoDB database, Storable files, or the OFF API.

language code $target_lc

Returned attributes contain both data and strings intended to be displayed to users. This parameter sets the desired language for the user facing strings.

country code $target_cc

We may display country specific recommendations from health authorities, or country specific scores.

options reference $options_ref

create_data_quality_panel ( $tags_type, $product_ref, $target_lc, $target_cc, $options_ref )

Creates knowledge panels to describe quality issues and invite to contribute


$tags_type - str

The type of tag. Eg. "data_quality_errors"

product reference $product_ref

Loaded from the MongoDB database, Storable files, or the OFF API.

language code $target_lc

Returned attributes contain both data and strings intended to be displayed to users. This parameter sets the desired language for the user facing strings.

country code $target_cc
