

ProductOpener::CRM - manages integration with the Odoo CRM


ProductOpener::CRM contains functions to interact with the Odoo CRM


For clarity: - user/org refers to the pro platform side - contact/company refers to the CRM side, where: contact => Odoo partner is an 'individual' company => Odoo partner is a 'company'

        - tags => crm.tag
        - category => res.partner.category

Requirements before enabling CRM sync: - check required_tag_labels and required_category_labels

find_or_create_contact ($user_ref)

Attempts to find a contact, and if it doesn't exist, creates it



the user to which a 'contact' in the CRM should be linked

Return values

the id of the contact, or undef if an error occur

link_user_with_contact ($org_ref, $contact_id = undef)

Set the off_username field of a contact to the user_id




Return values

1 if success, undef otherwise

find_contact ($user_ref)

Finds a contact that has the user_id or same email as the given user_ref



Return values

the contact id or undef

create_contact ($user_ref)

Creates a new contact in Odoo from a user



Return values

the id of the created contact

find_or_create_company ($org_ref, $contact_id = undef)

Attempts to find a company, and if it doesn't exist, creates it



the organization to which a 'company' in the CRM should be linked


Helps the strategy to find the company

Return values

The id of the contact, or undef if an error occurred

link_org_with_company ($org_ref, $company_id)

Set the off_org field of a contact to the org_id




Return values

1 if success, undef otherwise

find_company ($name)

Finds the oldest company following this strategy:

1. if the company has the corresponding off_org_id, use this one 2. if the contact_id is defined and the company he belongs to has no off_org_id, use this one 3. if there is a company with the exact same name, use this one




Return values

the company if found, undef otherwise

create_company ($org_ref)

Creates a new company in Odoo from an org



Return values

the id of the created company

add_contact_to_company ($org_ref)

Add a contact to a company in Odoo




Return values

1 if success, undef otherwise

create_onboarding_opportunity ($name, $company_id, $contact_id)

create an opportunity attached to a



The name of the opportunity


The id of the partner to attach the opportunity to. It can be a contact or a company


The id of the salesperson to assign the opportunity to

Return values

the id of the created opportunity

add_user_to_company ($user_id, $company_id)

Add a user to a company in Odoo. Attempts to find the contact, create it if it doesn't exist, and add it to the company.

side effect: update user_ref with the corresponding CRM contact_id




Return values

the contact_id, undef if an error occurred while getting the contact_id

change_company_main_contact ($org_ref, $user_id)

Change the main contact of a company Will also update the main contact of the opportunity associated with the org.

If the user is not linked to a contact in the CRM, it will try to find or create it.



The given organization must have a crm_org_id


id of a member of the organization

Return values

1 if success, undef otherwise

add_category_to_company ($org_id, $label)

Add a category to a company in Odoo




Return values

1 if success, undef otherwise

update_company_last_import_type ($org_id, $data_source)

Update the last import type of a company in Odoo


must match one of the values in CRM.pm @data_source

get_company_url ($org_ref)

Returns the URL of the company in the CRM



Return values

the URL of the company in the CRM or undef if the company is not linked to the CRM

make_odoo_request (@params)

Calls Odoo's API with the given parameters

Return values

the response or undef if an error occurred


Initialize the CRM data from Odoo. It is called by lib/startup_apache.pl startup script

die if CRM data cannot be loaded

Die if CRM environment variables are set but required data can't be fetched from CRM nor be loaded from cache
