
  • Parameters

    • fetch: ((input, init?) => Promise<Response>) & ((input, init?) => Promise<Response>)
    • options: {
          baseUrl: string;
      } = ...
      • baseUrl: string

    Returns PricesApi


client: {
    DELETE<P>(url, ...init): Promise<FetchResponse<"delete" extends keyof paths[P]
        ? paths[P][keyof paths[P] & "delete"]
        : unknown>>;
    GET<P>(url, ...init): Promise<FetchResponse<"get" extends keyof paths[P]
        ? paths[P][keyof paths[P] & "get"]
        : unknown>>;
    HEAD<P>(url, ...init): Promise<FetchResponse<"head" extends keyof paths[P]
        ? paths[P][keyof paths[P] & "head"]
        : unknown>>;
    OPTIONS<P>(url, ...init): Promise<FetchResponse<"options" extends keyof paths[P]
        ? paths[P][keyof paths[P] & "options"]
        : unknown>>;
    PATCH<P>(url, ...init): Promise<FetchResponse<"patch" extends keyof paths[P]
        ? paths[P][keyof paths[P] & "patch"]
        : unknown>>;
    POST<P>(url, ...init): Promise<FetchResponse<"post" extends keyof paths[P]
        ? paths[P][keyof paths[P] & "post"]
        : unknown>>;
    PUT<P>(url, ...init): Promise<FetchResponse<"put" extends keyof paths[P]
        ? paths[P][keyof paths[P] & "put"]
        : unknown>>;
    TRACE<P>(url, ...init): Promise<FetchResponse<"trace" extends keyof paths[P]
        ? paths[P][keyof paths[P] & "trace"]
        : unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • DELETE:function
    • Call a DELETE endpoint

      Type Parameters

      • P extends never


      • url: P
      • Rest ...init: HasRequiredKeys<FetchOptions<FilterKeys<paths[P], "delete">>> extends never
            ? [FetchOptions<FilterKeys<paths[P], "delete">>?]
            : [FetchOptions<FilterKeys<paths[P], "delete">>]

      Returns Promise<FetchResponse<"delete" extends keyof paths[P]
          ? paths[P][keyof paths[P] & "delete"]
          : unknown>>

  • GET:function
    • Call a GET endpoint

      Type Parameters

      • P extends PathsWithMethod<paths, "get">


      • url: P
      • Rest ...init: HasRequiredKeys<FetchOptions<FilterKeys<paths[P], "get">>> extends never
            ? [FetchOptions<FilterKeys<paths[P], "get">>?]
            : [FetchOptions<FilterKeys<paths[P], "get">>]

      Returns Promise<FetchResponse<"get" extends keyof paths[P]
          ? paths[P][keyof paths[P] & "get"]
          : unknown>>

  • HEAD:function
    • Call a HEAD endpoint

      Type Parameters

      • P extends never


      • url: P
      • Rest ...init: HasRequiredKeys<FetchOptions<FilterKeys<paths[P], "head">>> extends never
            ? [FetchOptions<FilterKeys<paths[P], "head">>?]
            : [FetchOptions<FilterKeys<paths[P], "head">>]

      Returns Promise<FetchResponse<"head" extends keyof paths[P]
          ? paths[P][keyof paths[P] & "head"]
          : unknown>>

  • OPTIONS:function
    • Call a OPTIONS endpoint

      Type Parameters

      • P extends never


      • url: P
      • Rest ...init: HasRequiredKeys<FetchOptions<FilterKeys<paths[P], "options">>> extends never
            ? [FetchOptions<FilterKeys<paths[P], "options">>?]
            : [FetchOptions<FilterKeys<paths[P], "options">>]

      Returns Promise<FetchResponse<"options" extends keyof paths[P]
          ? paths[P][keyof paths[P] & "options"]
          : unknown>>

  • PATCH:function
    • Call a PATCH endpoint

      Type Parameters

      • P extends never


      • url: P
      • Rest ...init: HasRequiredKeys<FetchOptions<FilterKeys<paths[P], "patch">>> extends never
            ? [FetchOptions<FilterKeys<paths[P], "patch">>?]
            : [FetchOptions<FilterKeys<paths[P], "patch">>]

      Returns Promise<FetchResponse<"patch" extends keyof paths[P]
          ? paths[P][keyof paths[P] & "patch"]
          : unknown>>

  • POST:function
    • Call a POST endpoint

      Type Parameters

      • P extends PathsWithMethod<paths, "post">


      • url: P
      • Rest ...init: HasRequiredKeys<FetchOptions<FilterKeys<paths[P], "post">>> extends never
            ? [FetchOptions<FilterKeys<paths[P], "post">>?]
            : [FetchOptions<FilterKeys<paths[P], "post">>]

      Returns Promise<FetchResponse<"post" extends keyof paths[P]
          ? paths[P][keyof paths[P] & "post"]
          : unknown>>

  • PUT:function
    • Call a PUT endpoint

      Type Parameters

      • P extends never


      • url: P
      • Rest ...init: HasRequiredKeys<FetchOptions<FilterKeys<paths[P], "put">>> extends never
            ? [FetchOptions<FilterKeys<paths[P], "put">>?]
            : [FetchOptions<FilterKeys<paths[P], "put">>]

      Returns Promise<FetchResponse<"put" extends keyof paths[P]
          ? paths[P][keyof paths[P] & "put"]
          : unknown>>

  • TRACE:function
    • Call a TRACE endpoint

      Type Parameters

      • P extends never


      • url: P
      • Rest ...init: HasRequiredKeys<FetchOptions<FilterKeys<paths[P], "trace">>> extends never
            ? [FetchOptions<FilterKeys<paths[P], "trace">>?]
            : [FetchOptions<FilterKeys<paths[P], "trace">>]

      Returns Promise<FetchResponse<"trace" extends keyof paths[P]
          ? paths[P][keyof paths[P] & "trace"]
          : unknown>>


  • Parameters

    • body: {
          category_tag?: null | string;
          currency: "BND" | "UGX" | "HTG" | "ITL" | "SVC" | "VUV" | "XBA" | "COU" | "GRD" | "LTT" | "ZRZ" | "MZM" | "KPW" | "DZD" | "BBD" | "LUC" | "MOP" | "LKR" | "GBP" | "PHP" | "TTD" | "RHD" | "ATS" | "IEP" | "DJF" | "ILP" | "AED" | "ARL" | "INR" | "GEK" | "ZWD" | "CUP" | "RSD" | "XRE" | "BRR" | "NIC" | "USD" | "ZMW" | "MKD" | "BAD" | "XAG" | "BRC" | "BGO" | "NGN" | "UGS" | "IQD" | "TMT" | "VEF" | "ARA" | "ZMK" | "GQE" | "MDL" | "AOR" | "XAU" | "HKD" | "BTN" | "SDD" | "UAK" | "QAR" | "CLP" | "TRY" | "GEL" | "OMR" | "ROL" | "XPT" | "SAR" | "YER" | "UYI" | "ARP" | "BYR" | "JPY" | "COP" | "KZT" | "MAF" | "KGS" | "TZS" | "PGK" | "TOP" | "LUL" | "XBD" | "MMK" | "MNT" | "CAD" | "RON" | "ISK" | "XPF" | "CVE" | "MRU" | "BRL" | "MUR" | "PEI" | "BOP" | "THB" | "BEF" | "SYP" | "LTL" | "MRO" | "MDC" | "AZM" | "XEU" | "SSP" | "YDD" | "UYW" | "EGP" | "FKP" | "MZE" | "ERN" | "PYG" | "XXX" | "SEK" | "SUR" | "XOF" | "LYD" | "HRD" | "SRG" | "PKR" | "SHP" | "CNH" | "GNS" | "BEL" | "SLL" | "CLF" | "BMD" | "BRN" | "NZD" | "MXP" | "GTQ" | "TJS" | "ILR" | "MGA" | "PTE" | "PES" | "ETB" | "BRZ" | "LRD" | "CSK" | "AFA" | "KRH" | "LVL" | "CSD" | "ISJ" | "LAK" | "PLN" | "VEB" | "LVR" | "XFO" | "ZWR" | "XPD" | "TPE" | "DKK" | "ZRN" | "AMD" | "GHS" | "EUR" | "NOK" | "ZWL" | "VNN" | "AON" | "RUB" | "TRL" | "VND" | "MYR" | "UYP" | "ZAR" | "MGF" | "SZL" | "BAN" | "CHF" | "WST" | "XDR" | "BAM" | "CNY" | "MVR" | "BRE" | "DOP" | "MZN" | "FIM" | "BRB" | "PEN" | "SKK" | "USS" | "CZK" | "SOS" | "TND" | "BOB" | "ESB" | "GNF" | "MCF" | "MLF" | "FJD" | "AUD" | "AOA" | "ADP" | "MTL" | "AWG" | "ALK" | "IDR" | "JOD" | "GIP" | "JMD" | "CHW" | "CLE" | "BYB" | "BOV" | "FRF" | "LSL" | "KES" | "SGD" | "KYD" | "CRC" | "GWP" | "XTS" | "BOL" | "AOK" | "RWF" | "SLE" | "SIT" | "VES" | "ZAL" | "CNX" | "XSU" | "GWE" | "GYD" | "BDT" | "MXN" | "XCD" | "GHC" | "TWD" | "XBC" | "CHE" | "YUR" | "BSD" | "DEM" | "BWP" | "MAD" | "RUR" | "HRK" | "STN" | "BUK" | "MWK" | "NLG" | "PLZ" | "UYU" | "SBD" | "EEK" | "DDM" | "MKN" | "MVP" | "HUF" | "MXV" | "KRW" | "ILS" | "ARM" | "YUM" | "ANG" | "SRD" | "CUC" | "AFN" | "NIO" | "IRR" | "KHR" | "VED" | "ECV" | "SDG" | "TMM" | "MTP" | "NAD" | "TJR" | "XBB" | "STD" | "XFU" | "ALL" | "YUN" | "BYN" | "CDF" | "XAF" | "BGM" | "BHD" | "SDP" | "AZN" | "BEC" | "NPR" | "KMF" | "KWD" | "GMD" | "BGN" | "KRO" | "LBP" | "LUF" | "UZS" | "SCR" | "YUD" | "UAH" | "ESP" | "ECS" | "ESA" | "BGL" | "ARS" | "CYP" | "XUA" | "BIF" | "PAB" | "BZD" | "USN" | "HNL";
          date: string;
          labels_tags?: null | string[];
          location_osm_id: number;
          location_osm_type: "NODE" | "WAY" | "RELATION";
          origins_tags?: null | string[];
          price: number;
          price_is_discounted?: boolean;
          price_per?: null | "UNIT" | "KILOGRAM";
          price_without_discount?: null | number;
          product_code?: null | string;
          product_name?: null | string;
          proof_id?: null | number;
      • Optional category_tag?: null | string

        Category Tag


        ID of the Open Food Facts category of the product for products without barcode.

            This is mostly for raw products such as vegetables or fruits. This
        field is exclusive with `product_code`: if this field is set, it means
        that the product does not have a barcode.

        This ID must be a canonical category ID in the Open Food Facts taxonomy.
        If the ID is not valid, the price will be rejected.
      • currency: "BND" | "UGX" | "HTG" | "ITL" | "SVC" | "VUV" | "XBA" | "COU" | "GRD" | "LTT" | "ZRZ" | "MZM" | "KPW" | "DZD" | "BBD" | "LUC" | "MOP" | "LKR" | "GBP" | "PHP" | "TTD" | "RHD" | "ATS" | "IEP" | "DJF" | "ILP" | "AED" | "ARL" | "INR" | "GEK" | "ZWD" | "CUP" | "RSD" | "XRE" | "BRR" | "NIC" | "USD" | "ZMW" | "MKD" | "BAD" | "XAG" | "BRC" | "BGO" | "NGN" | "UGS" | "IQD" | "TMT" | "VEF" | "ARA" | "ZMK" | "GQE" | "MDL" | "AOR" | "XAU" | "HKD" | "BTN" | "SDD" | "UAK" | "QAR" | "CLP" | "TRY" | "GEL" | "OMR" | "ROL" | "XPT" | "SAR" | "YER" | "UYI" | "ARP" | "BYR" | "JPY" | "COP" | "KZT" | "MAF" | "KGS" | "TZS" | "PGK" | "TOP" | "LUL" | "XBD" | "MMK" | "MNT" | "CAD" | "RON" | "ISK" | "XPF" | "CVE" | "MRU" | "BRL" | "MUR" | "PEI" | "BOP" | "THB" | "BEF" | "SYP" | "LTL" | "MRO" | "MDC" | "AZM" | "XEU" | "SSP" | "YDD" | "UYW" | "EGP" | "FKP" | "MZE" | "ERN" | "PYG" | "XXX" | "SEK" | "SUR" | "XOF" | "LYD" | "HRD" | "SRG" | "PKR" | "SHP" | "CNH" | "GNS" | "BEL" | "SLL" | "CLF" | "BMD" | "BRN" | "NZD" | "MXP" | "GTQ" | "TJS" | "ILR" | "MGA" | "PTE" | "PES" | "ETB" | "BRZ" | "LRD" | "CSK" | "AFA" | "KRH" | "LVL" | "CSD" | "ISJ" | "LAK" | "PLN" | "VEB" | "LVR" | "XFO" | "ZWR" | "XPD" | "TPE" | "DKK" | "ZRN" | "AMD" | "GHS" | "EUR" | "NOK" | "ZWL" | "VNN" | "AON" | "RUB" | "TRL" | "VND" | "MYR" | "UYP" | "ZAR" | "MGF" | "SZL" | "BAN" | "CHF" | "WST" | "XDR" | "BAM" | "CNY" | "MVR" | "BRE" | "DOP" | "MZN" | "FIM" | "BRB" | "PEN" | "SKK" | "USS" | "CZK" | "SOS" | "TND" | "BOB" | "ESB" | "GNF" | "MCF" | "MLF" | "FJD" | "AUD" | "AOA" | "ADP" | "MTL" | "AWG" | "ALK" | "IDR" | "JOD" | "GIP" | "JMD" | "CHW" | "CLE" | "BYB" | "BOV" | "FRF" | "LSL" | "KES" | "SGD" | "KYD" | "CRC" | "GWP" | "XTS" | "BOL" | "AOK" | "RWF" | "SLE" | "SIT" | "VES" | "ZAL" | "CNX" | "XSU" | "GWE" | "GYD" | "BDT" | "MXN" | "XCD" | "GHC" | "TWD" | "XBC" | "CHE" | "YUR" | "BSD" | "DEM" | "BWP" | "MAD" | "RUR" | "HRK" | "STN" | "BUK" | "MWK" | "NLG" | "PLZ" | "UYU" | "SBD" | "EEK" | "DDM" | "MKN" | "MVP" | "HUF" | "MXV" | "KRW" | "ILS" | "ARM" | "YUM" | "ANG" | "SRD" | "CUC" | "AFN" | "NIO" | "IRR" | "KHR" | "VED" | "ECV" | "SDG" | "TMM" | "MTP" | "NAD" | "TJR" | "XBB" | "STD" | "XFU" | "ALL" | "YUN" | "BYN" | "CDF" | "XAF" | "BGM" | "BHD" | "SDP" | "AZN" | "BEC" | "NPR" | "KMF" | "KWD" | "GMD" | "BGN" | "KRO" | "LBP" | "LUF" | "UZS" | "SCR" | "YUD" | "UAH" | "ESP" | "ECS" | "ESA" | "BGL" | "ARS" | "CYP" | "XUA" | "BIF" | "PAB" | "BZD" | "USN" | "HNL"


        currency of the price, as a string. The currency must be a valid currency code. See for a list of valid currency codes.

      • date: string

        Date Format: date


        date when the product was bought.

      • Optional labels_tags?: null | string[]

        Labels Tags


        labels of the product, only for products without barcode.

            The labels must be valid labels in the Open Food Facts taxonomy.
        If one of the labels is not valid, the price will be rejected.

        The most common labels are:
        - `en:organic`: the product is organic
        - `fr:ab-agriculture-biologique`: the product is organic, in France
        - `en:fair-trade`: the product is fair-trade

        Other labels can be provided if relevant.
      • location_osm_id: number

        Location Osm Id


        ID of the location in OpenStreetMap: the store where the product was bought.

      • location_osm_type: "NODE" | "WAY" | "RELATION"


        type of the OpenStreetMap location object. Stores can be represented as nodes, ways or relations in OpenStreetMap. It is necessary to be able to fetch the correct information about the store using the ID.

      • Optional origins_tags?: null | string[]

        Origins Tags


        origins of the product, only for products without barcode.

            This field is a list as some products may be a mix of several origins,
        but most products have only one origin.

        The origins must be valid origins in the Open Food Facts taxonomy.
        If one of the origins is not valid, the price will be rejected.
      • price: number



        price of the product, without its currency, taxes included.

      • Optional price_is_discounted?: boolean

        Price Is Discounted


        true if the price is discounted.


      • Optional price_per?: null | "UNIT" | "KILOGRAM"


        if the price is about a barcode-less product (if category_tag is provided), this field must be set to KILOGRAM or UNIT (KILOGRAM by default). This field is set to null and ignored if product_code is provided.


      • Optional price_without_discount?: null | number

        Price Without Discount


        price of the product without discount, without its currency, taxes included. If the product is not discounted, this field must be null.

      • Optional product_code?: null | string

        Product Code


        barcode (EAN) of the product, as a string.

      • Optional product_name?: null | string

        Product Name


        name of the product, as displayed on the receipt or the price tag.

      • Optional proof_id?: null | number

        Proof Id


        ID of the proof, if any. The proof is a file (receipt or price tag image) uploaded by the user to prove the price of the product. The proof must be uploaded before the price, and the authenticated user must be the owner of the proof.

    Returns Promise<FetchResponse<{
        requestBody: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    category_tag?: null | string;
                    currency: "BND" | "UGX" | "HTG" | "ITL" | "SVC" | "VUV" | "XBA" | "COU" | "GRD" | "LTT" | "ZRZ" | "MZM" | "KPW" | "DZD" | "BBD" | "LUC" | "MOP" | "LKR" | "GBP" | "PHP" | "TTD" | "RHD" | "ATS" | "IEP" | "DJF" | "ILP" | "AED" | "ARL" | "INR" | "GEK" | "ZWD" | "CUP" | "RSD" | "XRE" | "BRR" | "NIC" | "USD" | "ZMW" | "MKD" | "BAD" | "XAG" | "BRC" | "BGO" | "NGN" | "UGS" | "IQD" | "TMT" | "VEF" | "ARA" | "ZMK" | "GQE" | "MDL" | "AOR" | "XAU" | "HKD" | "BTN" | "SDD" | "UAK" | "QAR" | "CLP" | "TRY" | "GEL" | "OMR" | "ROL" | "XPT" | "SAR" | "YER" | "UYI" | "ARP" | "BYR" | "JPY" | "COP" | "KZT" | "MAF" | "KGS" | "TZS" | "PGK" | "TOP" | "LUL" | "XBD" | "MMK" | "MNT" | "CAD" | "RON" | "ISK" | "XPF" | "CVE" | "MRU" | "BRL" | "MUR" | "PEI" | "BOP" | "THB" | "BEF" | "SYP" | "LTL" | "MRO" | "MDC" | "AZM" | "XEU" | "SSP" | "YDD" | "UYW" | "EGP" | "FKP" | "MZE" | "ERN" | "PYG" | "XXX" | "SEK" | "SUR" | "XOF" | "LYD" | "HRD" | "SRG" | "PKR" | "SHP" | "CNH" | "GNS" | "BEL" | "SLL" | "CLF" | "BMD" | "BRN" | "NZD" | "MXP" | "GTQ" | "TJS" | "ILR" | "MGA" | "PTE" | "PES" | "ETB" | "BRZ" | "LRD" | "CSK" | "AFA" | "KRH" | "LVL" | "CSD" | "ISJ" | "LAK" | "PLN" | "VEB" | "LVR" | "XFO" | "ZWR" | "XPD" | "TPE" | "DKK" | "ZRN" | "AMD" | "GHS" | "EUR" | "NOK" | "ZWL" | "VNN" | "AON" | "RUB" | "TRL" | "VND" | "MYR" | "UYP" | "ZAR" | "MGF" | "SZL" | "BAN" | "CHF" | "WST" | "XDR" | "BAM" | "CNY" | "MVR" | "BRE" | "DOP" | "MZN" | "FIM" | "BRB" | "PEN" | "SKK" | "USS" | "CZK" | "SOS" | "TND" | "BOB" | "ESB" | "GNF" | "MCF" | "MLF" | "FJD" | "AUD" | "AOA" | "ADP" | "MTL" | "AWG" | "ALK" | "IDR" | "JOD" | "GIP" | "JMD" | "CHW" | "CLE" | "BYB" | "BOV" | "FRF" | "LSL" | "KES" | "SGD" | "KYD" | "CRC" | "GWP" | "XTS" | "BOL" | "AOK" | "RWF" | "SLE" | "SIT" | "VES" | "ZAL" | "CNX" | "XSU" | "GWE" | "GYD" | "BDT" | "MXN" | "XCD" | "GHC" | "TWD" | "XBC" | "CHE" | "YUR" | "BSD" | "DEM" | "BWP" | "MAD" | "RUR" | "HRK" | "STN" | "BUK" | "MWK" | "NLG" | "PLZ" | "UYU" | "SBD" | "EEK" | "DDM" | "MKN" | "MVP" | "HUF" | "MXV" | "KRW" | "ILS" | "ARM" | "YUM" | "ANG" | "SRD" | "CUC" | "AFN" | "NIO" | "IRR" | "KHR" | "VED" | "ECV" | "SDG" | "TMM" | "MTP" | "NAD" | "TJR" | "XBB" | "STD" | "XFU" | "ALL" | "YUN" | "BYN" | "CDF" | "XAF" | "BGM" | "BHD" | "SDP" | "AZN" | "BEC" | "NPR" | "KMF" | "KWD" | "GMD" | "BGN" | "KRO" | "LBP" | "LUF" | "UZS" | "SCR" | "YUD" | "UAH" | "ESP" | "ECS" | "ESA" | "BGL" | "ARS" | "CYP" | "XUA" | "BIF" | "PAB" | "BZD" | "USN" | "HNL";
                    date: string;
                    labels_tags?: null | string[];
                    location_osm_id: number;
                    location_osm_type: "NODE" | "WAY" | "RELATION";
                    origins_tags?: null | string[];
                    price: number;
                    price_is_discounted?: boolean;
                    price_per?: null | "UNIT" | "KILOGRAM";
                    price_without_discount?: null | number;
                    product_code?: null | string;
                    product_name?: null | string;
                    proof_id?: null | number;
        responses: {
            201: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        category_tag?: null | string;
                        created: string;
                        currency: "BND" | "UGX" | "HTG" | "ITL" | "SVC" | "VUV" | "XBA" | "COU" | "GRD" | "LTT" | "ZRZ" | "MZM" | "KPW" | "DZD" | "BBD" | "LUC" | "MOP" | "LKR" | "GBP" | "PHP" | "TTD" | "RHD" | "ATS" | "IEP" | "DJF" | "ILP" | "AED" | "ARL" | "INR" | "GEK" | "ZWD" | "CUP" | "RSD" | "XRE" | "BRR" | "NIC" | "USD" | "ZMW" | "MKD" | "BAD" | "XAG" | "BRC" | "BGO" | "NGN" | "UGS" | "IQD" | "TMT" | "VEF" | "ARA" | "ZMK" | "GQE" | "MDL" | "AOR" | "XAU" | "HKD" | "BTN" | "SDD" | "UAK" | "QAR" | "CLP" | "TRY" | "GEL" | "OMR" | "ROL" | "XPT" | "SAR" | "YER" | "UYI" | "ARP" | "BYR" | "JPY" | "COP" | "KZT" | "MAF" | "KGS" | "TZS" | "PGK" | "TOP" | "LUL" | "XBD" | "MMK" | "MNT" | "CAD" | "RON" | "ISK" | "XPF" | "CVE" | "MRU" | "BRL" | "MUR" | "PEI" | "BOP" | "THB" | "BEF" | "SYP" | "LTL" | "MRO" | "MDC" | "AZM" | "XEU" | "SSP" | "YDD" | "UYW" | "EGP" | "FKP" | "MZE" | "ERN" | "PYG" | "XXX" | "SEK" | "SUR" | "XOF" | "LYD" | "HRD" | "SRG" | "PKR" | "SHP" | "CNH" | "GNS" | "BEL" | "SLL" | "CLF" | "BMD" | "BRN" | "NZD" | "MXP" | "GTQ" | "TJS" | "ILR" | "MGA" | "PTE" | "PES" | "ETB" | "BRZ" | "LRD" | "CSK" | "AFA" | "KRH" | "LVL" | "CSD" | "ISJ" | "LAK" | "PLN" | "VEB" | "LVR" | "XFO" | "ZWR" | "XPD" | "TPE" | "DKK" | "ZRN" | "AMD" | "GHS" | "EUR" | "NOK" | "ZWL" | "VNN" | "AON" | "RUB" | "TRL" | "VND" | "MYR" | "UYP" | "ZAR" | "MGF" | "SZL" | "BAN" | "CHF" | "WST" | "XDR" | "BAM" | "CNY" | "MVR" | "BRE" | "DOP" | "MZN" | "FIM" | "BRB" | "PEN" | "SKK" | "USS" | "CZK" | "SOS" | "TND" | "BOB" | "ESB" | "GNF" | "MCF" | "MLF" | "FJD" | "AUD" | "AOA" | "ADP" | "MTL" | "AWG" | "ALK" | "IDR" | "JOD" | "GIP" | "JMD" | "CHW" | "CLE" | "BYB" | "BOV" | "FRF" | "LSL" | "KES" | "SGD" | "KYD" | "CRC" | "GWP" | "XTS" | "BOL" | "AOK" | "RWF" | "SLE" | "SIT" | "VES" | "ZAL" | "CNX" | "XSU" | "GWE" | "GYD" | "BDT" | "MXN" | "XCD" | "GHC" | "TWD" | "XBC" | "CHE" | "YUR" | "BSD" | "DEM" | "BWP" | "MAD" | "RUR" | "HRK" | "STN" | "BUK" | "MWK" | "NLG" | "PLZ" | "UYU" | "SBD" | "EEK" | "DDM" | "MKN" | "MVP" | "HUF" | "MXV" | "KRW" | "ILS" | "ARM" | "YUM" | "ANG" | "SRD" | "CUC" | "AFN" | "NIO" | "IRR" | "KHR" | "VED" | "ECV" | "SDG" | "TMM" | "MTP" | "NAD" | "TJR" | "XBB" | "STD" | "XFU" | "ALL" | "YUN" | "BYN" | "CDF" | "XAF" | "BGM" | "BHD" | "SDP" | "AZN" | "BEC" | "NPR" | "KMF" | "KWD" | "GMD" | "BGN" | "KRO" | "LBP" | "LUF" | "UZS" | "SCR" | "YUD" | "UAH" | "ESP" | "ECS" | "ESA" | "BGL" | "ARS" | "CYP" | "XUA" | "BIF" | "PAB" | "BZD" | "USN" | "HNL";
                        date: string;
                        labels_tags?: null | string[];
                        location_id: null | number;
                        location_osm_id: number;
                        location_osm_type: "NODE" | "WAY" | "RELATION";
                        origins_tags?: null | string[];
                        owner: string;
                        price: number;
                        price_is_discounted?: boolean;
                        price_per?: null | "UNIT" | "KILOGRAM";
                        price_without_discount?: null | number;
                        product_code?: null | string;
                        product_id: null | number;
                        product_name?: null | string;
                        proof_id?: null | number;
            422: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        detail?: {
                            loc: (string | number)[];
                            msg: string;
                            type: string;

  • Parameters

    • query: undefined | {
          category_tag?: null | string;
          created__gte?: null | string;
          created__lte?: null | string;
          currency?: null | string;
          date?: null | string;
          date__gt?: null | string;
          date__gte?: null | string;
          date__lt?: null | string;
          date__lte?: null | string;
          labels_tags__like?: null | string;
          location_id?: null | number;
          location_osm_id?: null | number;
          location_osm_type?: null | "NODE" | "WAY" | "RELATION";
          order_by?: null | string;
          origins_tags__like?: null | string;
          owner?: null | string;
          page?: number;
          price?: null | number;
          price__gt?: null | number;
          price__gte?: null | number;
          price__lt?: null | number;
          price__lte?: null | number;
          price_is_discounted?: null | boolean;
          product_code?: null | string;
          product_id?: null | number;
          product_id__isnull?: null | boolean;
          size?: number;

    Returns Promise<FetchResponse<{
        parameters: {
            query?: {
                category_tag?: null | string;
                created__gte?: null | string;
                created__lte?: null | string;
                currency?: null | string;
                date?: null | string;
                date__gt?: null | string;
                date__gte?: null | string;
                date__lt?: null | string;
                date__lte?: null | string;
                labels_tags__like?: null | string;
                location_id?: null | number;
                location_osm_id?: null | number;
                location_osm_type?: null | "NODE" | "WAY" | "RELATION";
                order_by?: null | string;
                origins_tags__like?: null | string;
                owner?: null | string;
                page?: number;
                price?: null | number;
                price__gt?: null | number;
                price__gte?: null | number;
                price__lt?: null | number;
                price__lte?: null | number;
                price_is_discounted?: null | boolean;
                product_code?: null | string;
                product_id?: null | number;
                product_id__isnull?: null | boolean;
                size?: number;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        items: {
                            category_tag?: null | string;
                            created: string;
                            currency: "BND" | "UGX" | "HTG" | "ITL" | "SVC" | "VUV" | "XBA" | "COU" | "GRD" | "LTT" | "ZRZ" | "MZM" | "KPW" | "DZD" | "BBD" | "LUC" | "MOP" | "LKR" | "GBP" | "PHP" | "TTD" | "RHD" | "ATS" | "IEP" | "DJF" | "ILP" | "AED" | "ARL" | "INR" | "GEK" | "ZWD" | "CUP" | "RSD" | "XRE" | "BRR" | "NIC" | "USD" | "ZMW" | "MKD" | "BAD" | "XAG" | "BRC" | "BGO" | "NGN" | "UGS" | "IQD" | "TMT" | "VEF" | "ARA" | "ZMK" | "GQE" | "MDL" | "AOR" | "XAU" | "HKD" | "BTN" | "SDD" | "UAK" | "QAR" | "CLP" | "TRY" | "GEL" | "OMR" | "ROL" | "XPT" | "SAR" | "YER" | "UYI" | "ARP" | "BYR" | "JPY" | "COP" | "KZT" | "MAF" | "KGS" | "TZS" | "PGK" | "TOP" | "LUL" | "XBD" | "MMK" | "MNT" | "CAD" | "RON" | "ISK" | "XPF" | "CVE" | "MRU" | "BRL" | "MUR" | "PEI" | "BOP" | "THB" | "BEF" | "SYP" | "LTL" | "MRO" | "MDC" | "AZM" | "XEU" | "SSP" | "YDD" | "UYW" | "EGP" | "FKP" | "MZE" | "ERN" | "PYG" | "XXX" | "SEK" | "SUR" | "XOF" | "LYD" | "HRD" | "SRG" | "PKR" | "SHP" | "CNH" | "GNS" | "BEL" | "SLL" | "CLF" | "BMD" | "BRN" | "NZD" | "MXP" | "GTQ" | "TJS" | "ILR" | "MGA" | "PTE" | "PES" | "ETB" | "BRZ" | "LRD" | "CSK" | "AFA" | "KRH" | "LVL" | "CSD" | "ISJ" | "LAK" | "PLN" | "VEB" | "LVR" | "XFO" | "ZWR" | "XPD" | "TPE" | "DKK" | "ZRN" | "AMD" | "GHS" | "EUR" | "NOK" | "ZWL" | "VNN" | "AON" | "RUB" | "TRL" | "VND" | "MYR" | "UYP" | "ZAR" | "MGF" | "SZL" | "BAN" | "CHF" | "WST" | "XDR" | "BAM" | "CNY" | "MVR" | "BRE" | "DOP" | "MZN" | "FIM" | "BRB" | "PEN" | "SKK" | "USS" | "CZK" | "SOS" | "TND" | "BOB" | "ESB" | "GNF" | "MCF" | "MLF" | "FJD" | "AUD" | "AOA" | "ADP" | "MTL" | "AWG" | "ALK" | "IDR" | "JOD" | "GIP" | "JMD" | "CHW" | "CLE" | "BYB" | "BOV" | "FRF" | "LSL" | "KES" | "SGD" | "KYD" | "CRC" | "GWP" | "XTS" | "BOL" | "AOK" | "RWF" | "SLE" | "SIT" | "VES" | "ZAL" | "CNX" | "XSU" | "GWE" | "GYD" | "BDT" | "MXN" | "XCD" | "GHC" | "TWD" | "XBC" | "CHE" | "YUR" | "BSD" | "DEM" | "BWP" | "MAD" | "RUR" | "HRK" | "STN" | "BUK" | "MWK" | "NLG" | "PLZ" | "UYU" | "SBD" | "EEK" | "DDM" | "MKN" | "MVP" | "HUF" | "MXV" | "KRW" | "ILS" | "ARM" | "YUM" | "ANG" | "SRD" | "CUC" | "AFN" | "NIO" | "IRR" | "KHR" | "VED" | "ECV" | "SDG" | "TMM" | "MTP" | "NAD" | "TJR" | "XBB" | "STD" | "XFU" | "ALL" | "YUN" | "BYN" | "CDF" | "XAF" | "BGM" | "BHD" | "SDP" | "AZN" | "BEC" | "NPR" | "KMF" | "KWD" | "GMD" | "BGN" | "KRO" | "LBP" | "LUF" | "UZS" | "SCR" | "YUD" | "UAH" | "ESP" | "ECS" | "ESA" | "BGL" | "ARS" | "CYP" | "XUA" | "BIF" | "PAB" | "BZD" | "USN" | "HNL";
                            date: string;
                            labels_tags?: null | string[];
                            location: null | {
                                created: string;
                                id: number;
                                osm_address_city: null | string;
                                osm_address_country: null | string;
                                osm_address_postcode: null | string;
                                osm_display_name: null | string;
                                osm_id: number;
                                osm_lat: null | number;
                                osm_lon: null | number;
                                osm_name: null | string;
                                osm_type: "NODE" | "WAY" | "RELATION";
                                price_count?: number;
                                updated: null | string;
                            location_id: null | number;
                            location_osm_id: number;
                            location_osm_type: "NODE" | "WAY" | "RELATION";
                            origins_tags?: null | string[];
                            owner: string;
                            price: number;
                            price_is_discounted?: boolean;
                            price_per?: null | "UNIT" | "KILOGRAM";
                            price_without_discount?: null | number;
                            product: null | {
                                brands: null | string;
                                code: string;
                                created: string;
                                id: number;
                                image_url: null | string;
                                price_count?: number;
                                product_name: null | string;
                                product_quantity: null | number;
                                source: null | "off" | "obf" | "opff" | "opf" | "off-pro";
                                unique_scans_n?: number;
                                updated: null | string;
                            product_code?: null | string;
                            product_id: null | number;
                            product_name?: null | string;
                            proof: null | {
                                created: string;
                                file_path: null | string;
                                id: number;
                                is_public?: boolean;
                                mimetype: string;
                                owner: string;
                                type?: null | "PRICE_TAG" | "RECEIPT" | "GDPR_REQUEST";
                            proof_id?: null | number;
                        page: null | number;
                        pages?: null | number;
                        size: null | number;
                        total: null | number;
            422: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        detail?: {
                            loc: (string | number)[];
                            msg: string;
                            type: string;

  • Returns Promise<FetchResponse<{
        parameters: {
            query?: {
                order_by?: null | string;
                owner?: null | string;
                page?: number;
                size?: number;
                type?: null | "PRICE_TAG" | "RECEIPT" | "GDPR_REQUEST";
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        items: {
                            created: string;
                            file_path: null | string;
                            id: number;
                            is_public?: boolean;
                            mimetype: string;
                            owner: string;
                            type?: null | "PRICE_TAG" | "RECEIPT" | "GDPR_REQUEST";
                        page: null | number;
                        pages?: null | number;
                        size: null | number;
                        total: null | number;
            422: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        detail?: {
                            loc: (string | number)[];
                            msg: string;
                            type: string;

  • Returns Promise<{
        status: string;

  • Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Parameters

    • body: {
          password: string;
          username: string;
      • password: string
      • username: string

    Returns Promise<FetchResponse<{
        parameters: {
            query?: {
                set_cookie?: boolean;
        requestBody: {
            content: {
                application/x-www-form-urlencoded: {
                    client_id?: null | string;
                    client_secret?: null | string;
                    grant_type?: null | string;
                    password: string;
                    scope?: string;
                    username: string;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: unknown;
            422: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        detail?: {
                            loc: (string | number)[];
                            msg: string;
                            type: string;

  • Parameters

    • body: {
          file: Blob;
      • file: Blob

    Returns Promise<FetchResponse<{
        requestBody: {
            content: {
                multipart/form-data: {
                    file: string;
                    is_public?: boolean;
                    type: "PRICE_TAG" | "RECEIPT" | "GDPR_REQUEST";
        responses: {
            201: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        created: string;
                        file_path: null | string;
                        id: number;
                        is_public?: boolean;
                        mimetype: string;
                        owner: string;
                        type?: null | "PRICE_TAG" | "RECEIPT" | "GDPR_REQUEST";
            422: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        detail?: {
                            loc: (string | number)[];
                            msg: string;
                            type: string;

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