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Moji - Post-installation & backup sync#

Robotoff - NFS share#

We perform Robotoff DB backup in a ZFS dataset, shared using NFS between the host and the docker-prod-2 VM.

I installed NFS server on host (moji):

apt install nfs-kernel-server

I shared hdd-zfs/backups/robotoff dataset through NFS with docker-prod-2 VM:

zfs set sharenfs=rw=@,no_root_squash hdd-zfs/backups/robotoff

On docker-prod-2 , I created a docker volume named robotoff_backup :

docker volume create --driver local --opt type=nfs --opt o=addr=,nolock,soft,rw --opt device=:/hdd-zfs/backups/robotoff robotoff_backup is the internal IP address of the host (osm45).

A systemd service and timer was added and activated (in /etc/systemd/system/robotoff_db_backup.{service,timer} to be launched every day at 8PM.

Snapshot with Sanoid & synchro with Syncoid#

Sanoid was installed on host (osm45), and snapshots were configured as follow.

Next, we need to pull automatically snapshots from osm45 to ovh3 using syncoid. I created an ovh3operator user on moji server and followed the instructions to allow ovh3 to pull snapshots.

As osm45 server is not directly accessible from ovh3 (we have to jump through an OSM proxy to reach it), I used the off user on the OSM proxy to reach moji server.

I added the public SSH key of root@OVH3 on OSM proxy (off user) and on osm45 (ovh3operator user).

Synchronization is performed periodically by syncoid.service and works well with the new configuration.