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2024-09-05 adding ipv6 to off2#

As we are moving off-query to moji we need to communicate with moji server in ipv6, so we need to set it up in Free data center (yes it could also bring it to main web site !)

Getting configuration#

We ask for ipv6 configuration to our referent at Free, which is sponsoring the hosting of these two servers.

See page Free Data Center

Setting up ipv6 on off2#

IPv6 host public address#

I set it up on the host through proxmox interface.

I assigned host2 host public bridge (vmbr0 in this case) the ipv6 address 2a01:e0d:1:c:58bf:fad0::1/64 with gateway 2a01:e0d:1:c::1 I used "apply changes" button and it went well !

I verified the website was still up.

I verified ipv6 using ping -6 2a06:c484:5::45 (osm45)

IPv6 host private address#

I assigned a private ipv6 address to the private bridge (vmbr1 in this case)

I use the w3c ULA generator, getting MAC using ip link show vmbr1.

So I assigned fd28:7f08:b8fe:0::1/64 to vmbr1 with no gateway

Now I need forwarding between vmbr1 and vmbr0 to happen, so:

  1. I put net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding to 1: sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1, also putting it in /etc/sysctl.d/60-ip-forwarding.conf

  2. I add the iptables rule to MASQUERADING: ip6tables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s fd28:7f08:b8fe::/48 -o vmbr0 -j MASQUERADE and saved it ip6tables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v6

Adding an private ipv6 address to the stunnel-client container#

I assigned fd28:7f08:b8fe:0::103/64 to the stunnel-client container with fd28:7f08:b8fe:0::1 gateway.

Testing on stunnel-client container, by:

  • first pinging the gateway: ping -6 fd28:7f08:b8fe:0::1
  • and then pinging osm45: ping -6 2a06:c484:5::45