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Move off query volume to NVME#

On off1, the off-query container (115) has a docker volume mounted on the zfs-hdd:

mp0: zfs-hdd:subvol-115-disk-1,mp=/var/lib/docker/volumes,backup=1,size=200G

We want to move it to use NVME instead.

Adding a mount point on zfs-nvme#

I use the Proxmox web interface, in the Resources tab, I click "Add" and "Mount point" I set the storage to zfs-nvme and put the same size (200 Gb) as the existing volume on zfs-hdd (although most of it is unused, so we could reduce it). It is initially mounted at /var/lib/docker/volumes-copy to be able to copy the old data at /var/lib/docker/volumes

Note: to add a mount point, we first need to remove the protection in the Options tab.

This results in this mount point:

mp1: zfs-nvme:subvol-115-disk-0,mp=/var/lib/docker/volumes-copy,backup=1,size=200G

Initial copy of docker volume#

While off-query is running, we do a first initial copy:

root@off-query:/var/lib/docker# time rsync -av volumes/ volumes-copy/ --delete

It takes 25 minutes to copy 29 Gb, which seems very slow...

Unwanted reboot of off1#

In the minutes following the end of the copy, the off1 host rebooted by itself!

Second copy of docker volume#

We stop off-query on container 115:

root@off-query:/home/off/off-query-org# docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                                                                    COMMAND                  CREATED      STATUS          PORTS                                       NAMES
fc762df2e0d9   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   6 days ago   Up 40 minutes>5510/tcp, :::5511->5510/tcp   off-query-query-1
a009d86d0656   postgres:12-alpine                                                                       "docker-entrypoint.s…"   6 days ago   Up 50 minutes   5432/tcp                                    off-query-query_postgres-1
root@off-query:/home/off/off-query-org# docker compose stop
[+] Stopping 2/2
  Container off-query-query-1           Stopped                                                          10.7s
  Container off-query-query_postgres-1  Stopped                                                           0.4s
root@off-query:/home/off/off-query-org# docker ps

Then we rsync the files again, and it still takes 24 minutes...

root@off-query:/var/lib/docker# time rsync -av volumes/ volumes-copy/ --delete

sent 95,432,268,044 bytes  received 6,940 bytes  66,111,724.96 bytes/sec
total size is 95,464,577,931  speedup is 1.00

real 24m3.366s
user 1m16.587s
sys 3m11.589s

Second unwanted reboot of off1#

In the minutes following the end of the copy, the off1 host rebooted by itself again!

Switch volumes#

On the off1 host, I edit /etc/pve/lxc/115.conf to switch the volumes

mp0: zfs-hdd:subvol-115-disk-1,mp=/var/lib/docker/volumes,backup=1,size=200G mp1: zfs-nvme:subvol-115-disk-0,mp=/var/lib/docker/volumes-copy,backup=1,size=200G


mp0: zfs-hdd:subvol-115-disk-1,mp=/var/lib/docker/volumes-old,backup=1,size=200G mp1: zfs-nvme:subvol-115-disk-0,mp=/var/lib/docker/volumes,backup=1,size=200G

Reboot the container#

I reboot the container, and verify that off-query works, from my laptop:

curl -d '[{"$match": {"countries_tags": "en:north-korea"}},{"$group":{"_id":"$brands_tags"}}]' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Detach old volume on zfs-hdd#

In the Proxmox interface, I detach the old volume, reboot the container, and check that off-query works fine.

Add back the protection on container 115#