Preprod crash 2021 12#
What happens#
- zfs storage on OVH2 was full
- this blocks the restart of two VM : dockers (200) and dockers-prod (201)
Why this happens#
- probably because of resize of partition the day before on both machine, this makes snapshot diverge and take much more space. (see 2021-12-21-disk-extension)
- out of space on zfs, blocks machine because proxmox needs to snapshot memory
What was done#
The same day:
- rollback VM dockers (200) to its snapshoted version
- removed dockers-prod (201) snapshot
- extension of disk space for this VM dockers (200) was reduced from 400G to 300G (this is still a 50G improvment over the previous size for dockers VM)
The day after:
- removed the efficientnet.tar.gz in /home/off/robotoff-ann-net as it was already untared in the ann_data folder
- hard reboot of VM dockers (200)
- resized partition to 300G following previous operating mode