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How to resync ZFS replication#

It happens that some time, syncoid fails for too long to replicate a dataset, and it become out of sync.

In this case, we normally get an error email thanks to sanoid_check script.

Checking state#

On the backup host and on the source host, use zfs list -t snap /path/to/dataset|tail to check the status.

Search if the oldest snapshot on backup side is still available on the source host:

zfs list <dataset-name-on-backup>@<snapshot-name-on-backup-side>

If it's not the case, you have to search for the nearest common snapshot. It would probably be a "_daily" one or a "_monthly" one. On the backup host, zfs list -t snap /path/to/dataset|grep "_daily"|tail can help you, check then availability on source side (same for _monthly).

When you have found the nearest common snapshot, you can resync.


On the backup host, rewind to the common snapshot:

zfs rollback <dataset-name-on-backup>@<common-snapshot-name>

If you have an existing vzdump snapshot zfs list -t snap <dataset-name-on-backup>|grep @vzdump, this is some snapshot used by Proxmox during a backup, but it might not be the same as the one on source side (it's constantly recreated), and will get in your way. So you have to remove it on backup side, zfs destroy <dataset-name-on-backup>@vzdump. See also Dealing with vzdump snapshots

You can then, either wait for next sync to catch up, or launch the sync manually using syncoid (in this case, you have to craft the command by looking at syncoid-args.conf, but beware of not using --recursive option, and using the dataset name on source side and target side).

Some other resolutions#

The source dataset might have been removed (because a container / VM was removed). In this case decide if you want to keep the data. If not, you can destroy it. In the other case, you have to consider moving the dataset to another location, to avoid messing with current / future datasets on the host.