How to write and run tests#
If you are a developer you are really encouraged to write tests as you fix bugs or develop new features.
Having a test is also a good way to debug a particular piece of code.
We would really love to see our test coverage grow.
If you are new to tests, please read:
- introduction to test pyramids to understand importance of unit tests and integration tests
- perldoc on test
- Test::More module doc
We have some helper functions for tests.
See mainly:
- (notably
) -
and other modules with Test in their name!
Unit and Integration tests#
Unit tests are located in tests/unit/
Integration tests are in tests/integration/
Most integration tests issue queries to an open food facts
Integration with docker compose#
Using Makefile targets, tests are run
- with a specific `COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME° to avoid crashing your development data while running tests (as the project name changes container, network and volumes names)
- with a specific exposed port for Mongodb, to avoid clashes with the dev instance.
Writing tests#
You can read other tests to understand how we write them (get inspiration from recently created tests).
One effective way is to create a list of tests each represented by a hashmap with inputs and expected outputs and run them in a loop. Add an id
and/or a desc
(description) and use it as last argument to check functions (like ok
, is
, …) to easily see tests running and identify failing tests.
Using JSON files to save expected results of tests#
If the output of the function you are testing is small (e.g. a function that returns one single value), the expected return value can be stored in the .t test file.
If your outputs are complex and/or large (e.g. for unit tests of functions that return a complex structure, or for API integration tests that return a JSON response), you can use json files to store the expected result of each test. contains helper functions to compare results to expected results and to update the expected results. For instance if your function returns a reference $results_ref to a complex object (like a product):
compare_to_expected_results($results_ref, "$expected_result_dir/$testid.json", $update_expected_results);
After writing the test, you need to use init_expected_results
(see below) once to create a JSON file that contains the resulting object.
Then the next time you run the test, the results will be compared to the stored expected results.
You can also use init_expected_results
to generate new expected results file and easily see what has changed using git diff
. If the changes are expected, you can commit the new expected results.
Running tests#
The best way to run all tests is to run:
make tests
To run a single test you can use:
- for a unit test:
make test-unit test="filename.t"
- for an integration test:
make test-int test="filename.t"
If you made a change that affects stored expected results, you can use:
- to regenerate all expected results:
make update_tests_results
- or to generate expected results for a single test
(here for an integration test,
otherwise)(themake test-int test="filename.t :: --update-expected-results"
tell the yath test runner that following arguments are for the test, not for yath)
If you regenerate test results, be sure to check carefully that the changes in your commit are expected.
NOTE: When making changes to language files (.pot, .po). Make sure to run make build_lang_test
so that the language files are rebuild in test environment, before regenerating expected results for integration test.
Debugging with tests#
Launching a test is a very effective way to understand what's going on in the code using the debugger.
This is done calling the test with perl -d
You can also use "TEST_CMD" argument with make target:
make test-unit test="my-test.t" TEST_CMD="perl -d"
Most often, you will have to use the next command "n" four times, before landing in you test, where you can easily set a breakpoint with b <line-number>
Read perldoc about debugger to learn more.
:pencil: Note: With this explanation, in integration tests that issue requests to the server, you won't be able to run the debugger inside the server code, only in the test.