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How to use direnv#

As a developer, it can be better not to think too much about setting the right env variables as you enter a project. direnv aims at providing a solution.

As a quick guide as an openfoodfacts developer:

  • install direnv on your system using the usual package manager
  • For Mac users you need to know if you are in zsh, bash or something else, since 10.15 (Catalina) zsh is set by default but to be sure type in terminal
    echo $SHELL
  • You have to adapt the direnv line according to what you use -> follow this official direnv doc.
  • in your project directory add a file, where you override variables from .env that you want to:
echo "setting up docker compose env"
# The next two lines do the same thing in different ways; choose one.
export USER_UID=${UID}
export USER_UID=$(id -g)
  • in your project directory, run direnv allow .
  • in a new shell:
    • go to the project directory
    • direnv should trigger and load your variables