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How to use automated pull request actions#

We have github actions workflow that tries to help doing tedious tasks on pull-request. (see pr_actions.yml)

(IMPORTANT) If you are on a PR from a fork#

The actions will try to commit changes to your PR, with the openfoodfacts-bot user. For this to happen you must let maintainers commit to your PR (see github documentation)


We try to keep the same format on perl files and taxonomies.

Issue /lint in a comment on the PR, the linting actions will be launched in the background.

Of course you can also run make lint locally and commit changes.

Updating tests results#

If you do a change that affects the APIĀ or HTML rendering, the tests might fail because they compare old stored results with newly generated one and find a difference.

Issue /update_tests_results in a comment to have the test refresh their expectation.

Beware that you must check for the changes after that to be sure, changes are correct and that you didn't introduce a bug.


Normally after the action finishes, it commits to your PR and it relaunch the checks.

If it does not happens, you can see the result of actions in the actions tab, selecting pr_actions workflow