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How to debug Minion import and export tasks#

For imports on the pro platform, and exports from the pro platform and imports on the public platform, we use Minion tasks.

Those tasks are run by a Minion worker service, which is configured in /etc/systemd/system/minion\@off.service

Log files#

in the logs directory, we have:

  • minion.log - states which tasks are started
  • minion_log4perl.log - debug messages from the Perl code that implements the Minion tasks

Checking the status of Minion tasks (jobs)#

off@off:/srv/off$ (off) ./scripts/ minion job 
132132  inactive  update_export_status_for_csv_file
132131  failed      import_csv_file
132130  finished  export_csv_file

Debugging failed import of pro platform data on public platform#

The following are notes on how a specific issue was debugged in production:

We now are loading automatically Systeme U (a big French retailer) imports in the producers platform.

The checkbox in the Systeme U organization (admin field) to automatically export new products is checked, but the products have not been loaded on the producers platform.

We can launch the export and import manually:

off@off-pro:/srv/off-pro$ (off-pro) scripts/ --query states_tags=en:to-be-exported --owner org-systeme-u

And we can see the details of the corresponding minion jobs:

off@off-pro:/srv/off-pro$ (off-pro) ./scripts/ minion job
132132  inactive  update_export_status_for_csv_file
132131  failed      import_csv_file
132130  finished  export_csv_file

In the off container, there is little useful information in the logs:


import_csv_file_task - job: 132131 started - args: {"comment":"Import from producers platform","csv_file":"/srv/off-pro/export_files/org-systeme-u/export.1741792171.exported.csv","global_values":{"data_sources":"Producers, Producer - systeme-u"},"query":{"owner":"org-systeme-u","states_tags":"en:to-be-exported","data_quality_errors_producers_tags.0":{"$exists":false},"code":"3256221408515"},"export_job_id":132130,"source_id":"org-systeme-u","manufacturer":1,"org_id":"systeme-u","export_id":1741792171,"include_images_paths":1,"user_id":"org-systeme-u","source_name":"systeme-u","include_obsolete_products":1,"exported_t":1741792171,"owner_id":"org-systeme-u"}

To get more data (debug level) in minion_log4perl.log:

We can stop the minion daemon

as the root user: systemctl stop minion@off.service

And run it manually as a normal process

as the off user:

sudo -u off bash
source env/setenv off
TAP_LOG_FILTER=none perl scripts/ minion worker -m production

The TAP_LOG_FILTER environment variable is used to set the log level for Log4Perl. Setting it to none prints messages for all log levels.

I added a print STDERR in to see if a specific product is causing the problem: - org: systeme-u - code: 3256221408515

Trying to export this single product indeed fails.

Last lines in minion_log4perl.log:

[24193] /srv/off/lib/ProductOpener/ 257 ProductOpener.TaxonomiesEnhancer {} check_ingredients_between_languages > detect_missing_stop_words_before_list -   first ingredient in ingredients1 (fr:ble-dur-precuit-concasse) is unknown (is_in_taxonomy => 1) or first ingredient in ingredients2 is known (is_in_taxonomy => 1)
[24193] /srv/off/lib/ProductOpener/ 356 ProductOpener.TaxonomiesEnhancer {} check_ingredients_between_languages > detect_missing_stop_words_after_list - start, lang1: fr, lang2: en
[60104] scripts/ 87 main {minion_backend => [..] minion producers workers stopped

Unfortunately there's no clearer error message.

To debug it, I added print STDERR statements in, to try to see where it stopped.

The following line is the error:

                        "check_ingredients_between_languages > detect_missing_stop_words_after_list -   too much difference between languages to raise warning. diff/total > tolerance: $translation_difference_count / $#$ingredients1 = "
                                . $translation_difference_count / $#$ingredients1 . " > "
                                . $translation_difference_accepted_percentage)
                        if $log->is_debug();

$#array is equal to 0 when @array contains 1 element, so it makes a division by 0 error and the task fails. But unfortunately I could not find any log where this division by zero error was reported, the only thing we get from Minion is that the task failed...

Finally: don't forget to restart the minion service !

```bash sudo systemctl start minion@off.service