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Scanning cosmetics pet food and other products

Open Beauty Facts, Open Pet Food Facts, Open Products Facts experimental and specific APIs#

  • Open Beauty Facts, Open Pet Food Facts, Open Products Facts behave mostly like Open Food Facts. Behaviours may change over time, as we tweak it.

Specific base URLs#

  • Cosmetics: The base URL is instead of
  • Pet Food: The base URL is instead of
  • Other type of products: The base URL is instead of

Different behaviours common to Open Beauty Facts, Open Pet Food Facts, Open Products Facts#

  • The same codebase: Knowledge panels are supported, the new packaging API is supported
  • Search-a-licious, Open Prices, Folksonomy Engine, Nutri-Patrol not supported yet
  • No Robotoff questions yet

Specificities of Open Beauty Facts#

  • No nutrition table
  • No Eco-Score, Nutri-Score or NOVA level for ultra-processing

Specificities of Open Pet Food Facts#

  • No Eco-Score, Nutri-Score or NOVA level for ultra-processing

Specificities of Open Products Facts#

  • No nutrition table
  • No Eco-Score, Nutri-Score or NOVA level for ultra-processing
  • Most data will be modelled using the Folksonomy Engine

Important APIs if you want to scan any kind of product (or help your users avoid adding cosmetics by mistake in Open Food Facts)#

  • We have a universal barcode scanning API, where you scan a barcode, and you get a result from either Open Food Facts, Open Pet Food Facts, Open Beauty Facts or Open Products Facts with a product_type, you can use the product_type=all parameter. Asked on any instance, it will redirect you to the right instance if a product exists and is on another instance (eg: asking for a beauty barcode on food instance). See reference documentation.
  • If no result is found in any of the 4 databases, you will have to ask the type of product to your users, and use the classic product addition API on the right project.
  • If (it can happen) the product appears on the wrong project, we suggest you use the NutriPatrol API to let your users report it to the moderators, and the proceed to a product addition on the right project. The moderators will then move the existing data to the right project. Eventually, project categorization errors should be infinitesimal.

API Roadmap and multi-project behaviour#

  • We plan to bring the APIs mentionned above to Open Beauty Facts (Search-a-licious, Knowledge Panels, Open Prices, Robotoff, Folksonomy Engine)

Sample outputs#

  • Please use the Open Food Facts API reference for most operations (data and photo addition, ingredient lists, categories, labels…)

Product in Open Beauty Facts#



Very experimental. Do not rely on this for allergen or ingredient parsing yet.

List of ingredients detected by the current experimental parser#
Products where the current experimental parser could not detect aluminium salts#
Products where the current experimental parser could detect aluminium salts#

Periods after Opening#

[ Periods after opening taxonomy]